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Physical Therapy Session

A core balancing method

TKX Balance

The problem: 

An athlete’s performance that reaches an premature plateau is often the result of a hidden neuromuscular imbalance. Likewise, many injuries are “set up” by imbalanced neuromuscular patterning, and just a simple trigger can result in a chronic or major injury. Body segments that orient less than perfectly with their adjoining segments lose strength and speed. Most often tension patterns in the muscles and soft tissues are the culprit.

The Solution: 

TKX Balance resolves the muscular tension patterning that causes misalignment and related strength loss. Each athlete (ages 12 and up) is evaluated individually and goes through a customized ten-session movement regimen to improve their performance and decrease the chance of the imbalances that set up many injuries. These exercises have focused goals that incorporate well into most strength and conditioning programs. With muscles balanced around the joints and correctly aligned, an athlete is free to reach his or her potential and maximize core strength.

Who can most benefit?

Since 1995, athletes and many others have enjoyed the benefits of this system as it developed into its present form. Athletes who should be outstanding but fall a little short are often limited by hidden postural anomalies often in the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex or extended core muscles. Also, athletes who lack flexibility in certain motions often have muscular imbalances. Many who have poor posture or unusual movement patterns often expend excessive energy compensating for the tension that reduces optimal performance. All of these can benefit.

Resolution of tension patterns allow the athlete to:

  • unleash bound up strength, speed, and agility

  • reduce injury risk factors

  • reach true athletic potential

TKX Balance: Services
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