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Cross Fit Class

TKX Strength

More strength is more than just more muscle.

The Problem:

With the best of intentions, many athletes, coaches, trainers and therapists narrowly focus on strength acquisition, and train in a manner that causes neuromuscular imbalance. Localized strength plateaus undermining an athlete’s overall strength gains. Functional strength can best be built on a solid foundation with a broad focus.

The Solution:

TKX Strength establishes a strong foundation and adds checks into current strength programs to build strength in a balanced, optimally functional manner. It enhances and extends the principles of TKX Balance and is applied specifically to functional strength. The result is greater strength, speed and flexibility for each athlete.


Who can benefit?

All athletes who depend on strength, speed or flexibility to perform well in their sport. That includes almost everyone.

TKX Strength: Service
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